Today's movie is:
1972's Last House on the Left
With: Sandra Cassel, Lucy Grantham, and David Hess. Directed by Wes Craven
Plotzky: After kidnapping and butchering two teenagers, a gang of rapists and murderers unknowingly seeks refuge with the parents of one of the victims.
Type of horror:
Was it good for you?: Gonna have to say no, Bob.
Was it scary?: Hmmm. When something in a movie scares me, I enjoy it-my heart rate speeds up, I get a vicarious surge of adrenaline-it's fun. When I watched LHotL, I just got this hollow feeling in my stomach and I got really sad afterwards-kinda like how I felt when I watched Requiem for a Dream. This movie is really bleak and disturbing, so I guess it is scary in that it makes you afraid for humanity.
Highlights: I guess I can be nice and give a shout-out to chainsaw dad, otherwise I'm drawing a blank.
Yeah, well, what if I still want to see it?:
10 minutes ago