Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
So It Goes
I know I said I wasn't going to post for awhile, but I had to acknowledge this. I'm at a loss for words, partly because I'm upset, and partly because there's nothing I could say that could sufficiently convey my respect and admiration for this man.
Goodbye, sir.
Kurt Vonnegut, whose dark comic talent and urgent moral vision in novels like “Slaughterhouse-Five,” “Cat’s Cradle” and “God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater” caught the temper of his times and the imagination of a generation, died Wednesday night in Manhattan. He was 84 and had homes in Manhattan and in Sagaponack on Long Island....
New York Times
"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different."-Timequake
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
I have decided, after mucho consideration, to take a wee break from this blog. Not a long break, but just, I need to be away from the self-imposed responsibility of posting for a little while. I've got too much going on now, and twice as much on my mind, and I'm just not able to give TDYL much attention now. I'm not closing up shop, I promise. I will return at some point, in the not too distant future, because I've grown rather fond of this little blog.
It'll be ok, don't fret. Besides, I'm not leaving the entire internet or anything: I'll still be around, just not HERE for a little bit. You see? Don't be sad, be...Melancholy, but get over it quickly, and then segue into memories of the happy times-make it a smooth transition for yourselves. It's only temporary, and like Macarthur, I shall return...
Of course, there's also the possibility that either A) no one will notice I'm gone, or B) everyone will be glad to see me go. Yeah, whatever, I'm coming back anyway, assholes, and you can go right to hell if you don't like it. However, if that's not the case, disregard my outburst. Cheers.
Posted by
6:44 PM
Labels: Personal, Super Furry Animals
Thursday, April 05, 2007
I was going to post about the death of director Bob Clark yesterday, but Blogger had a hate-on for me. I loved a Christmas Story, watch it every year, but my favorite film of his was Black Christmas. They remade it last year, and I have not seen it, and I probably won't ever, because there's no way they could have made it any better. Even before 'Halloween', this movie helped paved the way for the modern day horror flick. It was smart, creepy, AND it had a drunken Margot Kidder (I should also note that it's the only movie I've ever seen that featured John Saxon where I didn't want to beat him to death every minute that he was onscreen.) I watched it again a few months ago, and it still holds up, which you can't say about a lot of horror movies. It's good stuff.
Thank you, Mr. Clark.
Porky's and A Christmas Story don't have much in common. Except a director.
Bob Clark, the filmmaker who celebrated horny teens in Porky's, and chronicled wide-eyed youth in A Christmas Story, was killed early Wednesday when a suspected drunken motorist, allegedly driving in the wrong direction on California's famed Pacific Coast Highway, slammed into the director's car, Los Angeles police said.
The crash occurred at about 2:20 a.m., Officer Karen Smith said. Clark, 67, died at the scene, as did his passenger and son, Ariel Hanrath-Clark, 22.
Lyne Leavy of Clark's production company, Film Classic Productions, said she didn't know where the Clarks were heading to, but said it's believed they were heading from Bob Clark's house in Pacific Palisades.
Producer Peter Billingsley, who as a child actor starred in 1983's A Christmas Story, said the director would be missed.
"I had the extreme pleasure of working under Bob Clark early in my career," Billingsley said in a statement. "From that memorable experience, Bob became a great friend and mentor whose influence has guided me both personally and professionally.".....
E! News