I finally regained control of my blog, so I thought I'd toss up a new post. No real reason for this post, except Sissy is just one of the sweetest people in the history of ever, and it always freaks me out to see a reference to my hometown in a national article-it doesn't happen very often, trust me.
WEST WINDSOR, N.J. - Academy Award-winning actress Sissy Spacek celebrated strong and independent women during a speech at a conference here on women's health issues.
"I love women — they're strong, they're independent," Spacek said Saturday at the conference, sponsored by Princeton HealthCare System."I think I've always been drawn to ordinary women with ordinary strengths and frailties, just stumbling into enlightenment," said Spacek, in comments reported by The Times of Trenton for Sunday's newspapers.
Over the years, Spacek has been nominated six times for an Academy Award, and won the award for best actress for her 1980 role as country music icon Loretta Lynn in "Coal Miner's Daughter."
Some of her other notable movies include "Carrie" (1976) and "In the Bedroom" (2001).
Recent films from 2005 include "North Country" and "The Ring Two."
Spacek said Saturday that she had to overcome considerable odds as a girl from Quitman, Texas, when she came to New York with dreams of becoming a musician, eventually finding acting work. She said a school yard friend years ago in Texas told her she would magically turn into a boy if she was able to magically plant a peck on her funny bone — an impossible task.
"All my life I spent trying to prove that girls can do anything boys can do — and then I had a baby," Spacek said. "I stopped trying to kiss my elbows after that."
Spacek said she shies away from celebrity culture, and has a happy life living with her husband and two daughters on a Virginia horse farm. "I always felt that if you want to play real people in movies and be convincing, you've got to live real life and have real experiences," Spacek said.
"No matter how far we come, we're all still just looking for 'normal,'" she said.
Yahoo News
9 minutes ago